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Wednesday, January 7, 2009

No Recession For Me - Thank You!

My thanks go out to Brian Kurtz and Dennis Fassett for bringing this link to my attention. Go check it out. LISTEN to the message. CHOOSE your path and run with it. I did.

Go here: NoRecessionForMe

Look, I know I haven't done everything perfectly in 2008. I have made some errors in judgment. I have chosen substandard quality contractors at times. I have over-improved on my properties a bit. I may have expanded more quickly than I should. BUT - I did something. I made choices. I followed through. As a result, I have flipped one property for a profit and I own three others that are rented and generating income. THAT is a pretty good year if you ask me.

So now what? Am I going to let the news get me depressed? Am I going to crawl into a hole somewhere and bury my money inside a mattress? (side note: Have you ever tried to stuff money inside a mattress? For real? Even if you get your hand in there, you might shred it to pieces while pulling it back out - those springs have sharp edges! No, I don't know this from personal experience, I've just heard about it somewhere before.) Am I going to stop investing my money because the talking heads on the news say that no one is lending money and no one is spending money?

No, I intend to keep moving forward and building my portfolio of investment properties. Would you like to join me? Would you like to partner up with me on some deals? Contact me and let's talk!

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